Yale Society of Physics Students
“Shedding Light on Dark Energy and Dark Matter” by Professor Daisuke Nagai, Yale University.
The cosmos that surrounds us has remarkable properties, many of which we are just beginning to appreciate. For instance, we now understand that a mere 4% of the Universe consists of “normal” baryonic matter, while dark energy and dark matter comprise the remaining 96%. Despite the dominating presence of dark energy and dark matter in our Universe, we still do not understand the nature of their origin, interactions, or subatomic properties. In this talk, I will describe how studies of the largest objects in the universe, called galaxy clusters, can enlighten us on the fundamental physics of the cosmos, particularly the “Big Question” of what is the nature of mysterious dark energy and dark matter.
Friday, October 11th, 2013 at 1pm in the SPL 3rd Floor Lounge.
Pizza will be served!