Francis Fedora, YC’2023 Physics & Philosophy major, is one of seven juniors awarded the Joseph Lentilhon Selden Memorial Award for 2022.
The Joseph Lentilhon Selden...
Matthew King, YC’2022 double-major in Physics (Intensive) and Mathematics (Intensive), was one of 11 members of the Class of 2022 who distinguished themselves in the...
Barkotel Zemenu, YC ’2024 Physics-Intensive major, and a member of Yale’s Wright Lab, has been named a Rosenfeld Science Scholar. The award is given to Yale undergraduate...
Jean Wang, double majoring in physics (intensive) and mathematics & philosophy, is among 70 students from around the world, including four Yale alumni, who have been...
Ryan Flynn, physics intensive major, was one of ten students honored with a Y-Work Award.
The Y-Work Award is given annually to 10 students whose dedication to their term-...
Yale Physics congratulates undergraduate Matthew King , YC’2022 double-majoring in Physics (Intensive) and Mathematics (Intensive), under Physics and Astronomy - Particle...
The Yale University chapter of the Society of Physics Students (SPS) has won an Outstanding Chapter Award from the SPS National Office. This is the second time the chapter...