
May 23, 2022
Francis Fedora, YC’2023 Physics & Philosophy major, is one of seven juniors awarded the Joseph Lentilhon Selden Memorial Award for 2022. The Joseph Lentilhon Selden...
Top row: Kayley DeLay, Azar Swain, Jaelen King, Evan Craig Mingo. Second row: Arya Singh, Mary Elizabeth Orsak, Gabriel Klapholz. Bottom row: Matthew John King, Sarah Ming-Xin Zhao, Chiara Amisola, Alex Whittington
May 23, 2022
Matthew King, YC’2022 double-major in Physics (Intensive) and Mathematics (Intensive), was one of 11 members of the Class of 2022 who distinguished themselves in the...
May 13, 2022
Barkotel Zemenu, YC ’2024 Physics-Intensive major, and a member of Yale’s Wright Lab, has been named a Rosenfeld Science Scholar. The award is given to Yale undergraduate...
May 9, 2022
Jean Wang, double majoring in physics (intensive) and mathematics & philosophy, is among 70 students from around the world, including four Yale alumni, who have been...
Eddy Tzintzun-Tapia, Ryan Flynn, Anna Albright, Gabrielle Colangelo, Akweley Mazarae Lartey, and Robin Gallagher (Photo by Dan Renzetti)
May 9, 2022
Ryan Flynn, physics intensive major, was one of ten students honored with a Y-Work Award. The Y-Work Award is given annually to 10 students whose dedication to their term-...
April 6, 2022
Yale Physics congratulates undergraduate Matthew King , YC’2022 double-majoring in Physics (Intensive) and Mathematics (Intensive), under Physics and Astronomy - Particle...
January 5, 2022
The Yale University chapter of the Society of Physics Students (SPS) has won an Outstanding Chapter Award from the SPS National Office. This is the second time the chapter...